Twenty-five years in the corporate world convinced me that ancient ways of knowing can enhance and empower the lives of modern people through understanding the language of cycles and universal archetypes.”
After a near-death experience in Mexico Julie Loar pursued her lifelong interest in angels, dreams, mythology, space travel and other dimensions through an intensive study of metaphysics, while climbing the corporate ladder in two major companies. Focusing on symbols, mythology, Astrology, Tarot, Qabalah, and dreams, Julie has been a spiritual teacher and counselor since 1972. She has led eleven sacred journeys to Egypt. Julie is the author of Messengers, co-author of The Hidden Power Of Everyday Things, and the award-winning, Tarot & Dream Interpretation. Her latest book, Goddesses For Every Day: Exploring The Wisdom & Power Of The Divine Feminine Around The World, has won three national awards. Her books have been translated into several languages. Julie is a frequent speaker, radio guest and workshop leader. Her popular astrology column appears in ATLANTIS RISING magazine and she contributes regularly to She’s also been featured on John Edward’s
email to schedule a session:
Astrological Birth Map $200
Based on date, time, and place of birth, this in-depth analysis reveals your life path, including strengths, pitfalls, and points of destiny and karmic relationships through a decoding of universal archetypes at work in individual life patterns.
Annual Update $150
Inner and outer planetary movements are tracked with the planets of the Birth Map and used as signposts for the soul’s journey. Key energies and events for the year are discussed. (Birth Map a prerequisite).
Goddess Astrology $200
Building on interpretation of Earth, Moon, Venus, Saturn and Neptune, as well as asteroids and dwarf planets, this unique reading examines the feminine archetypes in the birth chart and explores ways to consciously and holistically integrate the energies.
Galactic Astrology $222
Using the whole sky as a reference, a deeper sense of significance and destiny can be achieved by isolating connections to natal points with deep space objects as fixed stars, black holes, fixed stars, quasars and pulsars. Your personal myth is revealed.
Synastry/Relationship $222
Relationship, chart comparison and compatibility analysis. This reading compares individual charts as well as composite maps and relationship charts.
“Baby Chart” $100
Intended for parents as an overview of the soul’s mission and lessons and how parents can better understand the child’s unique characteristics and how to provide the best environment for learning.
Astro Cartography – Locality Analysis $100
Analysis of locations and what points in Natal Chart will be triggered, activated, enhanced or challenged by relocation.
Tarot Oracle $65
Celtic Cross interpretation. Energetic snap shot of particular point in time which focuses on questions, emotional blocks, or specific issues. Can be used alone or in conjunction with astrological interpretations.
Tarot Life Reading $150
Using astrological correspondences, Tarot Keys are placed on wheel of the Astrological Birth Map. This technique often uncovers past life and karmic issues. (Birth Map a prerequisite).
Tarot Tree of Life $140
Using the Qabalistic Tree of Life as the template this in-depth spread reveals patterns of soul expression that need to be healed as well as blocks and imbalances in the spiritual centers. Meditation is used as an aid to focus the will.
Retreats and Weekend Experiences
Dream Oracle retreats and Sacred Feminine workshops and retreats can be arranged for a group. These transforming experiences create safe and sacred space and allow time for deep processing.
Ceremonies & Sacred Journeys
Weddings $160
Using your own vows, or a ceremony designed just for you, your wedding day, or renewal of vows, is created to make this occasion a lifelong memory.
House Blessing $150
Intended to welcome spirits who will bless you and your house and banish any influences that are not conducive to a happy home. Customized for you.
Astrology & Tarot: Linking the Archetypes –$55
Full length course that explores both astrological and
Tarot archetypes and how they relate and interconnect
Astrology is the study of cycles, using an archetypal language to define twelve signs and ten planets. The twenty-two images of the Major Arcana of Tarot correspond to the planets and signs. The two systems can be combined, overlaying on the Qabalistic Tree of Life, to deepen and enhance understanding. This course examines the Astrological correspondences of Tarot, fusing the archetypal energies, and demonstrating techniques for using Astrology and Tarot in meditation, spiritual transmutation and work with clients. Working with the combined energies often uncovers karmic issues. Tarot techniques will be discussed which can be used in meditation to tone down influences or to augment areas of weakness.
Using the Astrological correspondences of Tarot, the objective of the Astrology and Tarot course is to deepen the interpretation of the natal chart through a combined use of Tarot archetypes and natal Astrology symbolism. This course presumes a basic familiarity with Astrology, understanding of the horoscope wheel, the meanings of signs and planets, and a fundamental working knowledge of your own chart.
Occult Symbology & the Metaphysics of Number – $55
Full length course that covers symbology and the deeper symbolism and meaning of numbers
Measure is the means by which matter manifests as form, and number is the agency by which multiplicity emerges from Unity. This course examines principles of symbology and numbers as archetypal influences and vibratory frequencies which act directly on subconsciousness. Language describes things which affect the senses. A symbol depicts something which is difficult or paradoxical to explain in words.
Symbols are universal in nature, communicating without language, depicting truths or realities which affect the intuition, and bypassing the senses. For example, the idea of the threefold aspect of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, described as three persons in one God, can be symbolized pictorially by a triangle. Symbols act on the subconscious aspect, invoking intuition where reason fails, and functioning in the realm of sacred science.
Numbers have both an abstract and symbolic nature and a concrete essence which operates on the physical plane. Qualitative and quantitative aspects of Number, including nature, value, relationships and harmonics and the essence of number are explored. In Part II this course includes an explanation of the principles of sacred geometry, an overview of Gematria and significance of number in the Bible and Qabalah.the science of number, archetypical meanings and significance of the numbers from one through ten; instructions for computing and interpreting Birth Number, Name Number(s), Age Cycle Number and several others, and the study of cycles through numeric reduction.
Astrology instruction
I offer teaching and mentoring in astrology from the basics through interpretation. Most teaching is now on Zoom. Contact me for more information.
Tarot instruction
I also offer teaching and mentoring in Tarot, including deep knowledge of the archetypes as well as coaching in learning how to read the cards. Contact me for more information.