Enter the Magical Realm of Quintangled, a unique and inspiring board game of Strategy, Chance, and the mysterious element of Destiny!
Channel your inner hero and quench your thirst for adventure as you explore the enchanted World of Quintangled. Every game experience will be different as you navigate the many opportunities and encounter twists of Fate that will craft a different outcome each time you play. Begin by rolling the eight-sided die to determine the Character you will assume: Knight, Lover, Jester, Healer, Dreamer, Sage, Monarch, or Priestess. Journey to The Wizard’s Castle, meet the Wizard and receive Magical Aid.
Step onto your chosen path to begin your adventure. Along the way, you’ll meet Oracles of Wisdom, helpers and hinderers, and encounter perils and pitfalls. You will learn how choices, random quirks of Fate, and the landscape of the game impact your character’s destiny. You will also encounter unexpected aid, gain wisdom, and earn points to become heroic and fulfill your character’s quest.
In Quintangled, the archetype characters are called away from their ordinary life to embark upon a journey along a five-sided path — a quintile — where they must encounter forces that could keep them from their destiny. Each game character must accomplish particular tasks and gather wisdom along the way as they travel their path to return home. As you and your fellow players vie to win the game, success is largely a function of your choices, your chosen strategy, the opportunities presented by your rolls of the die, and the elements of Fate and Magical Aid.
Up to 8 people can play Quintangled, but we recommend between 3 to 6 players to allow the game to proceed at a steady pace.
In Quintangled, the archetype characters are called away from their ordinary life to embark upon a journey along a five-sided path — a quintile — where they must encounter forces that could keep them from their destiny. Each game character must accomplish particular tasks and gather wisdom along the way as they travel their path to return home. As you and your fellow players vie to win the game, success is largely a function of your choices, your chosen strategy, the opportunities presented by your rolls of the die, and the elements of Fate and Magical Aid.
Author & Speaker: Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World